Can your campus be more intelligent?
Are you making the most of ICT in your school?
From student experience to managing research data and enterprise, we have a deep understanding of the challenges ahead for the sector, both technical and educational but also the business and political pressures.
We can help you with:
- using technology to support learning, teaching and the student experience
- designing and implementing organisation-wide systems such as CRM and student data
- managing digital resources and underlying economic models for libraries and information management
- research information and data management including business models and cultural factors in the research process
- evaluation, synthesis and communication services
- strategic facilitation including scenario planning
Recent projects:
- Jisc Intelligent Campus guide and use cases
- Next Generation Learning Environments guide and use cases
- FAIR in Practice report on the FAIR data principles
- Consultation workshop for Digital Skills for Researchers
- Business Case development for Open Access support service
- Development of online learning resources for Digital Capabilities
- Analysis and distillation of FE Area Review reports
- Cloud Services for FE consultation
- Review and transition of the Excellence Gateway for the Education and Training Foundation
Our digital team are a small team of consultants, with wide experience working on digital technology projects, with a particular focus on the education, research and library sectors.