How do you take the next step to making your campus more intelligent? Here are some activities others have found useful.
- A review of any existing intelligent campus initiatives
Whether they are departmental projects or experimental trials, there may be a lot of existing activity that could be integrated or developed further. A review conducted with stakeholders and interested parties can start to collate the evidence for the “current state” of your future intelligent campus.
- An audit and gap analysis of your current use of internet devices and campus data
You are undoubtedly already collecting a large amount of data from different sources, but it may be held in different places, unconnected and little used. By assessing the extent of data and devices that are in use, we can identify the potential areas where data can be utilised more effectively or where there is a need to collect more useful data.
- Guidance on ethics and security
The biggest challenges are not technical, but relate to attitudes towards data collection, analysis and usage, particularly around confidentiality, consent and security. These crucial issues are ones we can help you understand and navigate to ensure the outcomes are useful but also adopted and accepted.
- Examples of what others are doing in the sector
We are in touch with other organisations and sources who work in this area and can keep you informed on what others have tried and the challenges and successes experienced. Learning from others is one of the best ways of ensuring successful outcomes.
- Horizon scanning for future developments
As you will see from the use cases we have produced for Jisc, we regularly pick up on new opportunities, including from other sectors and internationally, to search for possible applications of your data to meet organisational needs.
- Preparation of a roadmap for progress, both short term actions and longer term strategy
Some of the intelligent campus offers are long term, needing various stages of planning, design and development. However, there are often others that can be put in place much more quickly, leading to rapid solutions, generating evidence for your overall strategy.
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