1. ICT Audits

This will be the first step for many schools. Having a clear view of what their current provision consists of is essential in planning for the effective and efficient use of ICT in learning and teaching. Indeed, it may be that there is under-utilisation of the systems and equipment that are already provided. We will work with the appropriate members of the management team and staff to quickly provide a snapshot report that lays the foundation to build upon.

  1. Staff skills audits and CPD provision

A comprehensive knowledge of the skills and expertise of your staff is essential, particularly in respect to using technology. Any plan to invest in ICT must be based upon staff capabilities. Indeed it may be that little investment in equipment and systems is required, and that training will provide greater benefits. In some cases an audit can identify ICT “stars” in your staff that were not previously known. A skills audit can be beneficial as a stand alone exercise leading to a CPD plan. Alternatively it can be aligned to an ICT audit, highlighting mismatches and gaps. It is likely to be essential in developing a longer term ICT strategy.

  1. Quick impact solutions

We are very aware of the need to move quickly, particularly in a fast developing area such as educational ICT. To this end our team will identify simple improvements and solutions that can provide immediate benefits to learning and teaching, and to management. Examples might include: 

  1. ICT roadmap and strategy development

For schools looking to develop a long term view to improve and invest in their ICT provision, we will work with the management team and appropriate staff to create an ICT strategy. This can include a roadmap to the implementation of a comprehensive ICT strategy. It will include a timeline, milestones, estimates of investment in resources including equipment, systems and staff development. In working with the management team an ICT “vision” will be produced along with tips on how to ensure that staff, students and parents buy into this vision.



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